Monday, April 30, 2018

Laughter's The Best Prescription & It's Free

The human race has one really effective weapon, and that is laughter. - Mark Twain

A NOTE taped to the front door made me laugh when I came home from shopping and realized I'd forgotten my keys. My husband wrote it. He hasn't lost his wit despite dealing with health issues. Life is unpredictable ... of that we can be sure. We count on the sun coming up every morning but the day can hold surprises and not all of them are nice. Life can rob us of many things but hopefully not our humour. It's no joke that a tickled funny bone can see us through. The smiling Buddha (below) sitting in a garden and the note got me thinking about infectious giggles and big belly laughs.

Even the stuck kite (below) seemed comical later during my walk.

These spring flowers (below) seemed to be in on a joke of their own. It's as if the buds were saying, "See ... we fooled you ... you thought we were gone but here we are again ... uncrinkled and good as new."

This post is linked to signs, signs.

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Copyright by Penelope Puddlisms


  1. The sign on your door really did make me laugh.

  2. Don't I sometimes wish we could come back uncrinkled and as good as new! But we too laugh as we crinkle along in our old age! The note made me smile .... laughter and 'in-jokes' between the two of us keep us going.

  3. That sign made me laugh! And I love your giggling Buddha.

  4. Is this a new stuck kite? You seem to collect them. And I love that sign. The sort of thing Rob would do.
    So, please hug each other, and you-know-who, too, from me and I hope to see you in early June (so far, the present potential time for our trip out, but these things can change.)
    Love, K

  5. These are wonderful! Your husband has a great sense of humor and I wish him all the best.

  6. Good thing you saw it and not some suspected thief. - Margy

    1. Hahaha ... so true! I'd probably be crying instead of laughing if that had happened.

  7. Giggles and laughter. Life would be horrible if I didn't have that. Best wishes to you. :-)
    The View from the Top of the Ladder

  8. ...what a fun collection, keep laughing!

  9. Lots of nice giggles here :))

  10. Laughing is contagious. I like your husband’s sense of humor. I guess your home is warm with smiles and laughter even when facing difficulties. With best wishes.


  11. Thank you for sharing your wisdom, friend

  12. Life is less stressful when we can see the humor in things. Just imagine how differently you and your husband would have felt if he had gotten angry about it ... A great reminder to all of us!


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