Penelope & The Puddlism Concept

Every path has its puddle ... Penelope Puddle, that is!

Puddlists know there is more than one season or aspect to the original West Coast character featured on this site. The Penny journey is relevant to both grownups and kids.

It’s easy to see that Penelope Puddle doesn’t let a soggy season OR situation dampen her day. Penelope embodies the West Coast spirit and represents the curious, can-do kid in all of us. Her rainy day messages in greeting card form inspire both young and old on the sometimes rocky road of life to travel with childlike wonder, a dash of daring and bright expectations. With her sidekick umbrella close at hand, Penelope is outdoors puddling in pools of knowledge, learning from nature and being schooled in Puddlist ways.


Main Entry: 1pud-dle-ism
Pronunciation: (pud-l-iz-em)
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English podel;
akin to Low German pudel puddle,
Old English pudd ditch

1 a : beliefs and practices based on the idea that one can overcome great odds and do wonderful things by rekindling the optimism, imagination and wonder of the child within b : the paths to enlightenment are infinite and most often found outdoors where possessing the resiliency of a good umbrella is essential to weather life's storms c : when it pours, a dry soul must jump into puddles and bloom, despite the fear of getting wet

Chase away a gloomy day with a lyrically told rainy day tale called With My Umbrella, I Can: The Magical Journey of Penelope Puddle.

When a small black umbrella-wand sparks her imagination, Penelope Puddle discovers magic in every sunbeam, snowflake, drizzle and drop of West Coast life. From flying, skiing and sailing, to basking in the sun, Penelope gets creative amid lush rural lanes, breezy ocean beaches and snowy mountain peaks that suspend over rainforests and cityscapes. Her imaginary antics merge with realistic scenes that reflect the close proximity of diverse environments in her spectacular playground of British Columbia, Canada.

Postscript, 2020:

The updated physical book is newly available with hands-on features to facilitate fun and curiosity about Penelope's world and vivid imagination.

Postscript, 2014:

Maria Pavlik withdrew the (Trafford, 2008) paperback version of With My Umbrella, I Can: The Magical Journey Of Penelope Puddle with light cover and internal wear several years ago. There are possibly previously purchased copies being sold now by unassociated third parties but no such new books are authorized to be produced or distributed.

The author (and originator of this blog) maintains exclusive rights to the book and all future versions of it as well as any other products representing the Penelope Puddle character. Although Pavlik plans to redesign and eventually present the work under different formats, the primary illustrations, concept and storyline will remain unchanged.

Copyright by Penelope Puddlisms

All Rights Reserved